Crane Systems

Crane Systems

We offer a diverse range of industry and job specific cranes (Crane Systems) for sale including overhead, bridge, jib, anode storage and reel storage cranes.

All of our machinery complies with Australian standards.
Sam Technology

Aluminium Industry (Anode, Hot Metal, Pit Maintenance)

Standard Cranes (Gantry, Jib, Semi Portal)



Incinerator grabs

Mining Equipment

Arduous Duty (Hot metal, Teeming)

Steel Industry

Aircraft Servicing



Newspaper & Print



Grabs and tongs


Aluminium Industry

Anode storage cranes (Crane Systems) are designed to automatically stack anodes into an anode storage warehouse. Cranes (Crane Systems) are fitted with grabs which pickup green or baked anodes in multiples.

Sam Technology also design pit maintenance cranes (Crane Systems) which are designed to allow personnel to maintain aluminium baking furnace pit walls.


  • Anode Storage
  • Pit Maintenance
  • Vacuum Crane
  • Hot Metal Crane


Steel Industry

Sam Technology design cranes used in the steel industry. Our partner Taim Weser provides special purpose steel mill crane designs. Cranes are fi tted with manual, semiautomatic and automatic controls. These can interface with production management systems.


  • Grab Crane
  • Hot Metal
  • Ladle Cranes
  • Slab Handling
  • Coil Crane
  • Billet
  • Roll Handling
  • Scrap Handling


Newspaper & Print

Automatic and manual paper reel storage and handling cranes fitted with either vacuum or mechanical grab lifting devices. For our Australian customers, automatic cranes are interfaced with warehouse management systems, conveyors and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs).


  • Reel Handling
  • Production Cranes
    (Automatic overhead)


Standard Cranes

Overhead crane assemblies are supplied to Australian customers. These are either single or double girders. They have either top running or underslung hoisting system. Our range of cranes for sale are manufactured from standard components comprising of the hoist, end carriages or wheel boxes. Cranes are designed to suit the building dimensions and intended utilisation. with the smallest types usually being the jib crane system which is able to fit inside workshops.


  • Overhead
  • Jib
  • Bridge
  • Gantry
  • Portal
  • Semi-Portal



Winch design and manufacture have been a natural progression from crane design and manufacture.

Sam Technology offers a large range of special-purpose winches and capstans for various applications. Winches are designed by our engineering department for the specified application.

Our winches are used in the mining, marine, railway and aircraft industries.


  • Capstan
  • Dredge (Cutter suction & Spud winches)
  • Drift & Winders
  • Luffing, Shuttle & Chute
  • Mooring
  • Ship Lift
  • Take Up
  • Special Purpose
  • Constant Tension


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